Hi, The long real format is: Bit 63: sign bit 52-62: exponent Bit 0-51: mantissa For short and long reals the mantissa is always assumed to be in the range 1.0 <= m < 2.0. (We're ignoring denormalized numbers). Since the first bit of the mantissa is always 1 it is not stored and is implicit in the mantissa. Starting with the number -26.59375, the first thing to do is take out the sign. It is negative so bit 63 is a one. Then we have 26.59375. The next thing to do is to normalize into the range 1.0 <=m < 2.0; this will also get us the exponent. In this case we divide by 2 to the 4th power, or 16 and get: 1.662109375. The exponent must be biased by 1023 for long reals so we have an exponent of 1027. We discard the 1 since this is long real and get .662109375. Then we start subtracting out negative powers of two: 0.662109375 - 0.5 (2 to the -1) 0.162109375 - 0.125 (2 to the -3) 0.037109375 - 0.03125 (2 to the -5) 0.005859375 - 0.00390625 (2 to the - 8) 0.001853125 - 0.00097655 (2 to the - 10) 0.000876575 - 0.000478275 ( 2 to the -11) 0.000398300 - 0.0002382875 ( 2 to the - 12) 0.0001600125 You'd go on like that until you got all 51 bits of the mantissa. Putting the digits together we get: 101010010111... so the answer is (approximately) 110000000011101010010111... (Filled out to 64 digits) Have fun, David